Friday, December 12, 2008

true love

these past couple of days have been well different to say the least. my sister's boyfriend is coming to stay in a few days so we're scrambling to get the house ready for his somewhat home coming. he lives in a coastal area and will someday be in his family business of becoming a lawyer. my big sis is a psych major. (they don't have kids yet and already i feel sorry for
I'm excited and nervous for Christmas to come, let alone the new year. there are going to be so many new opportunity for me following the holidays! for one I'll have more time to write, I'll payoff more bills, make a little less money and even maybe this year (though i highly doubt it) move from miss k. to Mrs s...hey a girl can dream. and yes i made up my mind, I'm going to tell him yes i think it will be every soon. but my hopes aren't up because that my friends is the most stupid thing to waste any energy on. the guy in your life will always ask when he's ready. don't try to hint anything about marriage unless you've been together for more then 7 years and by then it is a must.
guys aren't like Edward Cullin's or prince charming. they start out this way but then end up like the kind of lovable gross slobs they are today. I'm being mean it's true if you find you Edward, or Jacob, or who that awesome. but don't put your standards so high that the only guy you can have isn't even real to begin with. save the love for the stories and movies. i personally do not believe in true love but that it is a faze in one's relationship. you know the saying "first comes love now comes marriage." love is only a word used when you don't have another word to use.
every couple is in love the that is why it's called the honeymoon faze. but when you see each other every day and have little to talk about, what you get is respect from one another. it can sometimes replace love in a since. and from his respect for you his caring and wanting to take care of you live grow and deepen to where you will compromise on every thing. and to rant because i probably am the whole finish each other sentences thing;seriously that comes with time. no way in hell do couples do that who have been together only a short while maybe good friends but you've spent so much time with them that given the chance you could do it with anyone you know very well. think about it. now to get back on topic, i think true love comes when you or your lover is dying and that is when you see yourself in them and when they pass so does a part of you. that is true love. not the best friend who will do anything for you, he is only a poor foolish sap. i am well aware i seem like a hate fill scorned girl, but i am not that just practical is all. when you've lived my life you will know to never get your hopes up because if you don't get what you want you can't get too disappointed to begin with. can't lose what you don't have.
thanks for reading and happy holidays!

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