Thursday, December 4, 2008


the past couple of days have not been too intresting. but it has come to my attention that my story has one really big flaw. they live no where. it had never crossed my mind to think of a place to live. one would think that's the first thing you would do as a writer. well i was always a little backwards. so some sugestions if anyone reads this would very helpful.
As for my normal life there's never a boring moment in the pharmacy. Chirstmas is coming up and we pulled names for secret santa, we're all so smart it took 3 times to get it right and give up if it's wrong again. also when somethings now covered and you've asked for the fourth time why not. it's still not covered, and doing so will only get you a sigh along with "because i don't like you." seriously no one in this line of business is trying to rip you off, okay maybe the drug companies them selves but not us. so please don't argue and take the loss gracefully. For some more words of advice it takes 10 years to put a drug on the market, so don't be too put out with the cost they got to make the money back some how.
So here's where i need help, life's messy but relationship are even worse. my boyfriend and i have been dating for 3 years. (seven if you count the flings, but who does that?) it has come to my attention by friends that he is going to purpose to me, sometime in the near future (i'm hoping it wont be for months) i told people close to me and i got about the same reaction from all: Don't you can do better. they basically think i need someone who treats me better. while my boyfriend can be a major jerk at time, can't it be one of those: yeah but he's my jerk. you can call me stupid, cause I'll admit it half the time. lol. okay here's my question tommorow i'm suppose to be ring shopping, should i wait till he has oicked his moment to ask or jump the gun and go tomorrow? thanks for reading.

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